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Beachguide » Eriskay Sound
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Eriskay Sound

Well protected piece of water between South Uist and Eriskay
Submitted by:
17th Jul 2004
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Eriskay Sound is the piece of water separating South Uist and Eriskay. It runs pretty much E-W, so winds from the East or West funnel through here producing some good windsurfing conditions (I'll come to the kitesurfing later).

A new causeway now joins the too islands and splits the sound in half. There are several potential launch spots from either South Usit or Eriskay. On South Uist there are a couple of beaches to the west of the casueway from which it is possible to launch. There are quite a few rocks about though, so make sure you note their whereabouts before heading off. The beaches would make suitable launch spots in W-SW winds. I have launched (in E-NE) winds) from the little slipway on the South Usit end of the casueway. Its quite a small launch area so you have to make sure you are going to be able to get back to it. If you end up downwind you'll be on the casueway itself, so you won't get washed out to sea, but it is pretty rocky.

On the Eriskay side, there is a small harbour to the east of the casueway which could provide a potential launch site, but again its a little tricky. At low tide however, there is a large sandy beach immediately to the east of the casueway which would allow you to sail in the channel. It dies disappear completely as the tide comes in though. There is also a beach to the west of the casueway that would wrok well as a launch spot in SW-NW winds.

As far as kitesurfing goes, launching and landing is a little difficult except at low tide on the beach just below the eastern end of the causeway.

Once on the water you'll find perfect flat water blasting to choppy bump-and jump. The amount of chop will depend on the wind direction and your proximity to the casueway. In the lee of it you will find flat water. There are several little islands to sail around in the sound and quite a bit of exploring to do if you fancy a bit of an 'adventure'. There are rocks dotted about all over the place though, so its worth a look at low tide to get an idea of where these are. They are confined to certain areas and its easy to avoid these so there is still a huge area in which to sail in rleative safety.

Facilities are few and far between, but there is a toilet block at the small fishing harbour on Eriskay. (Once over the casueway turn left, then left again to the harbour).

As usual on the Outer Hebrides, the sand (where there is some) is white, the seas blue and the scenery stunning. You are also unlikely to see anyone else out on the water. Other activities if there is no wind will end up being snorkelling, mt. biking or just exploring the amazing coastline.
Sports Suitability
Surfing thumbs_down
Surf Conditions at Eriskay Sound are Not Good
Buggying thumns_down
Buggying Conditions at Eriskay Sound are Not Good
Windsurfing starstarstar
Windsurfing Conditions at Eriskay Sound can be Excellent
kitesurfing star
Kitesurfing Conditions at Eriskay Sound can be OK
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Eriskay Sound Kitesurfing at Eriskay Sound
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE

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